Music in games Hi everyone, today's aim is to understand the use of sound and music in games. List of three games that use sound to show information: Destiny 2: Destiny 2 uses a lot of speech to show emotion and information within the game, for example, when the main npc's talk it is to show the emotions between themselves and to allow the player information to progress the story and complete missions. Destiny 2 also uses music to show when an events is happening and when the boss appears. Pac-man: Pac-man uses music a lot to show different things within the game, for example, when Pac-man dies music is used to show the player that the game is over when you die. This also happens when Pac-man powers up and can go eat the enemies. Simpson's hit and run: Simpson's hit and run uses four aspect of audio, for example, running to walking and activities. This is common is most games and is one of the main mechanics needed in games. Music is also used to sh...
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